The settlement went without incident. We walked away very happy with how everything went. It was so freeing and truly amazing to know that this crazy dream is becoming reality. We have no regrets selling the house. I was not sad for a moment., It has felt like we have been a slave to this lifestyle for so long that getting out from under it is like a weight being lifted from your shoulders. The stuff, the big house all really great blessings but John has put so much of his energy into just keeping the roof over our head that to get out from under is such joy for both of us. I am so excited for him to not have to work for the next six months that I could do a dance about it.
We ended up picking up the RV on Tuesday June 3. My sister came along to drive our car home so that we could ride home in Gracie as a family. It was so cool handing the check over for our new home on wheels. We said goodbye to George and Linda and with John behind the wheel we were off. The kids were wild in there. Bouncing off the walls excited. I too felt like a little kid. We made it home through a major rainstorm without any problem.
I was just thrilled to have the RV sitting in our yard. A reminder that dreams become reality if you just believe. Not that there hasn't been some blood, sweat and tears involved but with anything worth having it has been a journey I wouldn't change.
So we have been busy cleaning Gracie and filling her up with our belongings. We like just hanging out in there together. We even spent the night in it when my mom was up this weekend. LOVE IT. LOVE IT.
I am very excited for you! May God bless you all in your travels.
She is a beauty!! No doubt she will take you on a wonderful adventure! Remember that I Love You and I am so proud of you!!! Travel safe!!
Congratulations Theresa! May your trip be the journey of a lifetime!
Congratulations Theresa! May your trip be the journey of a lifetime!
Theresa you're so funny..."getting older"...Ha,ha,ha.You're still a spring chicken.Chalk the toll thing up to your pregnancy!!!!Thanks for the pictures; you guys look so "at home!" Maybe "in your element" is a better choice of words. Wish we were with you!!!Loveandhugs,corinne
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