Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Five Days In

Here we are in Niles, Michigan a place I had never heard of before this trip. We are staying in a nice campground inhabited mainly by the older RV crowd. The kids like it because we are beside a playground -1970's style. Right down to the merry go round. Remember those??? This place was built, according to the nice lady at the desk, 42 years ago. I don't think there have been many updates but it is well kept.
We traveled through three states today to get here, Ohio, Indiana and now Michigan. Our two night stay in Sandusky OH was pleasant and quiet. We visited the Cedar Point Amusement Park yesterday. The place was amazing with its 17 roller coasters. You could ride for days. We were all beat by the time we got back to camp.
Setting up and tearing down is getting easier each time. John likes to keep busy with this stuff since this is his new "job".
I must say our kids have really adapted well to this new way of life, now granted it has only been 5 days but they seem to really dig it. We still find ourselves busy with all the normal life stuff like dishes, laundry, discipline and the like but now we find ourselves outside more, riding bikes taking walks and sitting around the fire. I think it suits us well. We will be here until Monday a nice extended stay for the fourth of July. I will check in here after the weekend when the Red Bud MX Race is in town and another one of John's life long dreams comes true
This pregnant momma is tired I need to go round up the troops for bedtime.


Anonymous said...

Probably I can say with this blog make, more some interesting topics.

alaughman said...

Look at you guys, having it all!!!
We love you so much and anxiously await to hear every detail of your fabulous trip. Tell the kids we love them and don't forget to roast a marshmallow for us!!!

Anonymous said...

that's way too cool.

The Miller Gang said...

Hey my Cashman Luv' talking last seems all the same..LOL..but now ur just across country having it all! Just like Amanda said...we await to hear all the details...its so fun to get on here and read and see some pics!! We get to enjoy it all with you...right along the way!! Keep having FUN..and keep "livin' the DREAM"!! Love to you all!! xoxo
~The Miller Gang~


Hey, girl, baby mama,
It’s great to see some pictures
of the Cashman family. I think
the kids grow 2 inch's ha ha.
Love, hearing all the details.
Your day to day is sooooo
much different then anyone
could imagine right now, and
you get to do anything you want.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys! Looks like you are seeing some great sites already! We are so happy to know you and support you in your calling from God. Yes HE is so good! I am sure that HE will lead you to many exciting things (to see and to show His love to others). You are in our prayers each day that God continues to place you where He needs you. We can't wait to keep up with your posts! May God bless you and yours for following His calling! Many would not be so brave! Take care and God bless!
Love ya,
the Lighty's

The Buckley's said...

You guys are definately living the dream and capturing great family memories that will last a lifetime. Keep sharing the pictures and stories with us and stay safe.

God Bless, Jeff, Chrissy, Brianna